GMO Tests and Genetic Analysis

Genetic modification involves inserting foreign DNA into the nucleus of a normal cell, where it integrates with the host DNA. Genetic analysis uses molecular techniques to detect transgenic DNA (GMO) inserted into a sample. The most widely used method for this purpose is PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction).  

GMO Tests and Genetic Analysis

The PCR technique amplifies (copy) the DNA billions of times so that detection and quantification are possible. Specificity for inserted DNA (transgene) is achieved using short DNA fragments (primers) that are complementary to the transgenic DNA sequence. 

Amplification is accomplished using the enzyme DNA polymerase, which catalyzes DNA synthesis using primers as templates for new DNA synthesis to occur. Primers bind to an area of ​​DNA near or within the GMO sequence so that only that area of ​​the DNA genome is amplified. PCR is a highly sensitive and specific GMO detection method, as the primers are specific to the transgenic DNA sequence and the DNA is amplified billions of times in this process.

GMO detection methods based on genetic analysis have many advantages. The PCR (DNA analysis) test method can detect all commercialized GMOs, is effective with a wide variety of sample types (seed, grain, processed ingredients, finished products), and can provide precise quantification of GMOs as the analysis is done directly on DNA.

For all these reasons, PCR is the standard GMO testing method used in industry and surveillance GMO testing laboratories around the world to validate trade contracts and ensure regulatory compliance.

Do not hesitate to contact our expert team for detailed information about the GMO laboratory, GMO tests, NON GMO label and certification or to apply for certification.