NON GMO Milk and Dairy Products Certificate

GMOs occupy a large space in the world of animal-based products. Keeping them away from the food source and your shopping cart is no easy task.

NON GMO Milk and Dairy Products Certificate

Today, GMOs are everywhere and market aisles are filled with GMO milk and dairy products. Milk and dairy products, like other GMO-based issues, is a highly controversial issue. A consensus has not yet been established on the long-term situation of milk and dairy products obtained from dairy cows as a result of what they consume while feeding. Therefore, the consumer is quite confused about NON GMO milk.

The most common way GMOs enter dairy products is through animal feed. High-risk GM crops, including corn, soy, cottonseed, and alfalfa, are common in animal feed. These four crops cover more than half of US cultivated land. 92% of the corn grown on this land is GMO and 94% of the soybean. That means hundreds of millions of acres of GMO crops set aside for forage.

While all these discussions continue, more and more different studies are being tried in genetic engineering at the same time. In the last few years, new GMO techniques have begun to be tried, leading to dairy products made with synthetic biology, gene editing techniques such as CRISPR and TALEN. 

In recent years, the first genetically modified hornless cows have been born. The purpose of requesting hornless cows is to eliminate blade fragments that pose a risk to cows housed in tight spaces and to the farmers tending to them. We are also seeing pressure to change the composition of milk by genetically modifying cows and goats.

In order to show that the consumer has a choice in the face of all these events, the NON GMO and GMO Free Milk and Dairy products certificate and label developed by our organization have been developed. In this way, when the consumer sees this label, he will be able to buy the product he wants to buy with confidence and without any question marks, knowing that it has not undergone any genetic intervention.

Do not hesitate to contact our expert team to get detailed information about the GMO Free and NON GMO label and certification, or to apply for certification.