Why Choose NON GMO Labeled Products?

Genetically Modified Organisms, also called GMOs, are plants or animals whose structural DNA has been modified by the process of genetic engineering. Genetic Engineering, also called Gene Technology, enables the transfer of individual genes from one species to another.

Why Choose NON GMO Labeled Products?

Genetic modification has been used for many different commercial purposes, especially when it comes to food, including increasing resistance to disease, improving nutritional levels, increasing crop yields or creating specific desired traits in the species. But GMO foods are not without controversy. More specifically, are GMOs safe?

In some scientific circles, GM foods have been associated with a number of disease states, including organ damage, gastrointestinal disorders, infertility, and also cancer. They are also linked to higher availability of toxic pesticides and chemicals.

Today, as the consumer profile becomes more conscious, non-GMO foods have become more preferred with the increasing interest in natural foods and healthy living. 

Genetically Modified Foods is grown using synthetic or chemical fertilizers, herbicides, as well as pesticides whose residues are naturally present in food, regardless of the amount of washing outside. Many people who opt for organic, naturally grown foods find that as a result of no longer consuming GMO foods, many disease symptoms begin to subside or disappear after a short time.

Non-GMO animal foods are not injected with a range of antibiotics or growth hormones that can harm the human body. The use of antibiotics can reduce the overall immunity of the body and increase susceptibility to disease by creating resistant strains of bacteria.

Genetically Modified Foods are designed using chemical preservatives to last longer; this means your food is not as fresh as it seems. Foods are good for the body only as long as they are fresh on the farm. Afterwards, the power of the nutrients gradually begins to dissipate.

GMO foods are grown in a chemically rich environment that not only causes soil erosion and infertility over a period of time, but also increases pollution and uses significantly more energy, which puts pressure on the earth's natural resources.

Organically grown non-GMO foods have been found to be richer in nutrients such as omega fatty acids, as well as several vital vitamins and minerals.

Perhaps the most important factor to consider when it comes to non-GMO foods is that they are all-natural, especially when grown organically using natural growing methods. 

When food is natural, it promotes wellness and sustainability as well as improving overall quality of life. Non-GMO foods do not contain chemicals, preservatives or toxins that can be potentially life-threatening to the body in the long run.

Do not hesitate to contact our expert team to get detailed information about the GMO Free and NON GMO label and certification, or to apply for certification.