What is a GMO Seed?

GMO-labeled seeds, an acronym for genetically modified organisms, are the result of one of the industry's most controversial practices. GMO seeds are not grown in a garden, but in a laboratory using modern biotechnology techniques such as gene splicing. 

What is a GMO Seed?

Scientists alter a seed's DNA to make the resulting plant produce the desired traits. There are many reasons for changing the genetic characteristics of these seeds. Thanks to genetic modification, it is ensured that the plant to be obtained from the seed has selected characteristics.

Non-GMO seeds are grown by pollination. They can be grown in two different ways: hybrid seeds or open-powdered seeds. The term "hybrid" refers to a plant variety developed by the special, carefully controlled cross-pollination of two different parent plants to produce new traits that cannot be created by inbreeding of two of the same plants. Hybrid cultivars, also called F1 or "pro-child" hybrids, produce seeds that are not "type fit" meaning they do not conform to known characteristics of a particular plant variety.

Open-pollinated seeds, by contrast, are produced from random pollination by wind, birds, insects or other natural means. Gardeners who hide seeds from open-pollinated plants can keep the plants genetically pure by isolating them from the pollen of other plants. They then store seeds from these plants for growth the next season, making sure the seeds will have the same characteristics as the parent plant, or grow "appropriate to type."

Do not hesitate to contact our expert team to get detailed information about the GMO Free and NON GMO label and certification, or to apply for certification.