Our Mission

It is clear that there is more consumer demand for food products labeled as non-GMO. However, most manufacturers do not know how to act in the face of this demand.

Our Mission

The ultimate goal of our NON GMO certification program, which we offer as an organization, is primarily to adopt consumer rights, and then to try to help the manufacturer in this complex process.

The foundation of our mission is to be a nonprofit that offers rigorous product validation and reliable education that empowers people to care for themselves, the planet and future generations.

All consumers have the right to know what's in the food they eat and the ingredients of every product they use, from textiles to cosmetics, and they deserve access to non-GMO options.

The consumer actually makes an evaluation for the relevant product in every shopping preference he makes, and this actually shows that; The consumer collectively has the power to change the way food is grown and made.

Protecting and building a GMO-free supply chain, one of the key missions of our NON GMO certification program, is a critical step in the transition to a non-GMO food supply for future generations. The integrity of our diverse genetic heritage is essential to environmental health and ecological harmony.

By promoting the supply of non-GMO seeds, we support the restoration of traditional seed breeding and the right of farmers to collect and plant their own seeds and grow the varieties of their choice.

A validated non-GMO system supports organic farming by reducing the pressure of contamination and preserving the supply of non-GMO seeds. Everyone deserves an informed choice about whether or not to consume genetically modified organisms.

Do not hesitate to contact our expert team to get detailed information about the GMO Free and NON GMO label and certification, or to apply for certification.