Non-Testable Statements for High-Risk Inputs

The NON GMO certification program in many cases requires GMO testing to demonstrate the non-GMO status of high-risk inputs.

Non-Testable Statements for High-Risk Inputs

However, in some cases where testing is not possible or reasonable, statements confirming the non-GMO status of an input are used instead of testing.

Declarations can replace testing for low-risk inputs, certain minor and microcomponents, certain crops by country of origin, and high-risk inputs that cannot be tested.

When a statement is required, participants must identify a point in the supply chain where they have sufficient information to demonstrate that the input in question is not the biotech product as defined in the non-GMO certification criteria.

Some high-risk inputs cannot be tested because GMO tests are not yet available for them.

High-risk inputs that cannot be tested are listed in the relevant standard. These currently include canola, potato, soybean, animal-derived inputs, and micro-organism and enzyme-derived inputs.

Major, minor and micro non-testable high-risk entries require a non-testable statement to demonstrate compliance with the standard.

The NON GMO certification program requires a standardized statement of non-testable high-risk inputs and country-of-origin compliance. In other cases where declarations are required but standardized documents are not issued, the following global requirements apply.

Do not hesitate to contact our expert team to get detailed information about the GMO Free and NON GMO label and certification, or to apply for certification.