NON GMO Product Verification Guidelines

The NON GMO certification program classifies inputs and ingredients according to three characteristics: the percent by weight represented or present in the product, the likelihood that they are derived from a GMO, and whether a testable precursor is present in any situation in the supply chain.

NON GMO Product Verification Guidelines

These important classifications will determine the type and rigor of evaluation for each input and component, which will affect the cost and length of the evaluation process.


Some inputs and components are testable: they have a testable precursor somewhere in their supply chain and the necessary testing is in place. For example, maize used to make maize starch can be tested with commercially available tests before processing.

Other inputs and components are not testable: there is no testable precursor in the supply chain or the required tests are not commercially available. For example, it is not currently possible to test GM potatoes due to the lack of available testing methodologies.

Testable high-risk inputs and components require testing when classified as major products. High-risk inputs and components that cannot be tested may require signed statements when they are major components.

Some inputs can be both testable and non-testable. From 1 January 2022, apples, eggplant and pineapple should also be compliant as non-testable high-risk products.

Product Compliance

The following types of wholesale or retail goods are eligible for verification:

  • Seed and vegetative propagation materials
  • Wholesale or retail products for human or pet use, which are oral or topically over-the-counter (OTC) and homeopathic remedies
  • Wholesale or retail products for human or pet use that are not swallowed or applied topically
  • Livestock, poultry, bee and seafood feed and supplements

The following types of goods are not eligible for verification:

  • Prohibited entries and ingredients listed in the standard
  • Certain drugs and other medicinal products
  • live animals
  • Synthetic pesticides
  • Goods that consist of completely risk-free inputs and ingredients and are also part of a risk-free category

Do not hesitate to contact our expert team to get detailed information about the GMO Free and NON GMO label and certification, or to apply for certification.