Criteria for Inputs and Ingredients of Animal Origin

Animal derivatives such as meat, eggs, milk and honey are considered high-risk inputs and ingredients due to the prevalence of GMOs in animal feed. 

Criteria for Inputs and Ingredients of Animal Origin

Therefore, animal derivatives are evaluated by reviewing the animal feed and requiring that the testable and non-testable high-risk major inputs for that feed be non-GMO. Genetically modified animals, including cloned animals and their offspring, are prohibited.

Inputs and ingredients derived from animals include:

  • Et
  • Daily
  • Eggs
  • Wool
  • hides
  • Honey
  • sea ​​products
  • Livestock and poultry feed
  • Bee bait and bait
  • Fish and other aquatic animal food
  • Any other material or substance originating from animals

Microorganisms such as algae, bacteria, and yeasts feed on growth media containing testable and non-testable high-risk inputs. In most cases, the NON GMO certification program requires the microorganisms themselves to be non-GMO. 

It also requires testing of testable high-risk major inputs to the growth medium when the microorganism or microbial product is the main input or component in a validated product. 

Both cow and feed are considered standard when milk is validated, as well as when microorganisms and their growth medium, microorganisms and microbial products are validated. Subjects other than these can be evaluated according to different criteria.

Do not hesitate to contact our expert team to get detailed information about the GMO Free and NON GMO label and certification, or to apply for certification.