Non-GMO Consumer Awareness Continues to Increase

Consumers have the right to know what is in the products they consume, and they raise their voices more and more every day to demand this from the manufacturer. 

Non-GMO Consumer Awareness Continues to Increase

According to one report, consumer awareness of GMOs is nearly universal at 97%. The growth in consumer awareness is also in line with the growing number of consumers trying to avoid GMOs. Research reports that 46% of shoppers deliberately avoid GMOs while shopping.

This finding is in line with the continued growth of sales of NON GMO-labeled products, currently estimated at $26 billion. He found that 36% of shoppers said they bought more non-GMO products than they did a year ago, and 42% of consumers who want to avoid GMOs look for products labeled NON GMO.

As the strictest standard for GMO avoidance, non-GMO certification efforts are more important than ever. Shoppers seek meaningful GMO transparency.

According to research, consumers prioritize fresh, clean and real foods when shopping. They have a natural distrust of what is done to their food and are concerned about the possible consequences for their health and the environment. NON GMO certification program and label are always with the consumer in this regard.

Do not hesitate to contact our expert team to get detailed information about the GMO Free and NON GMO label and certification, or to apply for certification.