GMOs and Toxic Pesticides

Industrial agriculture is a system with an expiration date. Just a few decades old, but start adding up the environmental costs we are incurring by this corrupt system - increasingly polluted waterways, clean forests, inhumane treatment of animals and megatons of greenhouse gases. This is quite simply unsustainable.

GMOs and Toxic Pesticides

Many of the foods we eat each day are repeatedly sprayed with pesticides before they land on our table. Some studies have linked pesticides to cancer risk, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Unborn children are particularly vulnerable because pesticides have also been linked to birth defects.

What most people don't know is the link between GMOs and pesticides: The rise in genetically modified crops over the past few decades is one of the main drivers of increased pesticide use and chemicals in agriculture. In fact, GM crops directly promote a pattern of industrial and chemical-intensive farming that harms people, the environment and wildlife.

Due to corporate pressure, millions of people like us are denied the right to know where GMOs occur in the food chain. Mandatory GMO labeling is the rule in only a few countries. 

Giant agricultural firms insist that GM crops are not harmful to humans, but the world lacks sufficient evidence to substantiate this absolute claim. GMO crops have only become mainstream in the last 20 years.

Beyond that, giant agribusiness firms should not be entitled to the genetic makeup or intrinsic patent nature of a particular maize or soybean strain. 

We should not accept a world where chemistry giants go after small farmers because a patented seed accidentally spills over their fields and transforms their crops. GMOs threaten the independence of farmers to supply us with food and provide their sovereignty over what to grow.

Do not hesitate to contact our expert team to get detailed information about the GMO Free and NON GMO label and certification, or to apply for certification.